It's not often I see a video that exemplifies my philosophy of clarifying, simplifying and engaging employees; but my colleague Allison Jones at the City of Hamilton has done just that. Based on an idea she got from a City of New Market communications video called Glow, she put together a video that sends a clear, simple and engaging message to employees at Community Services: what they do makes a difference, one starfish at a time. Since the production, the City Manager decided to use it when he presented the Strategic Plan to Council to illustrate the good work the City does. See it for yourself.
The scenario: A project is delayed. Employees haven't heard any updates in about a month and the manager realizes he's 'got to get something out soon' because his boss has been asking what's going on. Manager: I need a draft message for the project update. How soon can you get it to me? Communications Officer: How about tomorrow? Manager: I kind of need it today some time. Communications Officer: How about today? Manager: Okay good. Communications Officer: So the reason for the delay is other projects took priority but now it's time to return to this one, right? Manager: "We can't tell them that." Communications Officer: Why not? Manager: Well because it looks bad. I hear those words from a senior manager or executive and sigh. There are precious few things we truly "CAN'T" tell employees: private information about other employees financially-sensitive information the CEO's kid's cellpho...
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