As the legend goes, Winston Churchill once said, in response to someone telling him to not end sentences with a preposition: "It is something up with which we must put."
The scenario: A project is delayed. Employees haven't heard any updates in about a month and the manager realizes he's 'got to get something out soon' because his boss has been asking what's going on. Manager: I need a draft message for the project update. How soon can you get it to me? Communications Officer: How about tomorrow? Manager: I kind of need it today some time. Communications Officer: How about today? Manager: Okay good. Communications Officer: So the reason for the delay is other projects took priority but now it's time to return to this one, right? Manager: "We can't tell them that." Communications Officer: Why not? Manager: Well because it looks bad. I hear those words from a senior manager or executive and sigh. There are precious few things we truly "CAN'T" tell employees: private information about other employees financially-sensitive information the CEO's kid's cellpho...
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