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Showing posts from October, 2013

Communicating Through Good Writing & Good Thinking

Communication may eventually be your outcome, but it is not the key. It does not open the door. There is a reason Rene Descartes said: “I think, therefore, I am.” The key to good writing is thinking. Good writing often effectively delivers your message and can elicit a range of reactions and emotions, which lead to communication, but good writing does not happen without your brain kicking into action. You might coast in low gear for a while if you haven’t made up your mind yet about your focus or your topic. You might move into mid-gear if you have a sense for where you’re going and have thought about the idea in the past, you just haven’t written anything yet. You can take off into high gear if you have been musing for a while first and have a concept in mind, and you are just itching to get the beast off your chest and launch it onto the page or screen. You think, therefore, you write. When you write, and especially if you’re a beginner, if you’ve not done all your t...