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Showing posts from July, 2013

Recognize employees for a job well done.

When employees do a good job and receive acknowledgement both from their managers and sometimes from senior leaders, it shows them that leadership is paying attention, that what they do from day-to-day is important and contributes to the company’s success. Acknowledgement from managers also shows employees they matter, no matter the size of their pay cheque. Recognition does not have to be awards, cash prizes or trips; although any of these items will always be welcome. Employees want to feel special and leaders can achieve this outcome in so many small ways. Synonyms for the word ‘recognition’ are ‘notice’ and ‘acceptance,’ according to  Think of the many ways a leader can notice an employee or show them how they have been accepted into a company. Sometimes a handshake or a shared warm conversation can have more impact than an email sent to all employees sharing achievements.